by | Aug 29, 2024 | Health, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Making Changes
Making Changes

Im Back and Breaking The Status Quo!

How are you babe? I have taken a summer hiatus as I was working a (as they say in Dublin) poxy 9-5! There are so many reasons a 9-5 you are not enjoying is wrong. It’s bad for your soul it’s bad for your mindset and it’s bad for your health. 

I was meant to be learning on the job but the most I learned was writing up a couple of documents. I feel they didn’t get me and they totally didn’t utilise the qualified skills I have and that could have been put to excellent use to excel the company. Instead, they had me on display answering phones. So in order to stay true to myself, I quit. 

Jumping in the deep end, taking risks and starting a new chapter is what life is all about! I love not knowing and using my skills and know-how to navigate my next chapter. 

Life is so boring, uneventful and soul-crushing when you just “play it safe”. Now, I am focusing on my next chapter, I have time to work on Elevate Babe. After all Elevate Babe is all about elevating your life and you can’t do that while stuck behind a desk for 8+ hours a day 

If you are feeling stuck in a rut or you want to change up your life and start a new chapter, I say go for it! Whats the worst that can happen?  

Be True to You: Embrace Risk and Chase Your Dreams

Life is a journey, not a destination. Along the way, we’re faced with countless choices that can shape our paths. One of the most important decisions we’ll ever make is to be true to ourselves.

Embracing your authentic self means living without fear of judgment or rejection. It’s about daring to be different, to think outside the box, and to pursue your passions with unwavering conviction. This often requires taking risks, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and embracing the unknown.

Remember, great achievements rarely come from playing it safe. It’s the bold, the daring, and the risk-takers who often make the most significant contributions to the world. So, don’t be afraid to chase your dreams, no matter how big or small they may seem.

By being true to yourself and taking calculated risks, you’ll not only discover your full potential but also inspire others to do the same. So, embrace your unique journey, chase your dreams with passion, and live a life that is truly yours.

So I am back on the blog to share lots more with you. You can check out my latest podcast episode below. Feel free to leave a comment and get in touch. 

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 Firstly, thank you for stopping by my blog! Welcome to my organised chaos!

That’s a lie! I am actually very organised But don’t let that put you off! The amount of mistakes I make is chronic.  Here I want to share all with you. The good, the bad, and the fugly. 

If its lit (hot) , blip (meh) , or zip (nope) I will  let you know right here! Also dont forget to sign up! To fook!! And oh yeah, I am Irish! 



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