Well Whatever The Weather
A cute gem of a duplex apartment right in Cork City Centre. Honestly, it’s ideal for a young professional working in the city and wanting to get on the property ladder.

Diary Entry 1: Dive In
I am currently in college as an Apprentice Agent. I work 4 days and I am in college for one full day. You might think that college one day a week breaks up being in the office 9-5 5 days but it actually makes the week feel a bit longer. It’s pretty full-on.

10 Tips on How to Achieve Your Goals in 2024: A Journey to Success!
Autumn, Christmas, Spring, and Summer the seasons are flowing into each other at a rapid pace. Halloween has just gone and Christmas is around the corner. Next thing spring will have sprung and a new year is in full swing. Time it seems is speeding up with each new...